Scarless Keyhole Vaser Liposuction Gynecomastia surgery
What is Gynecomastia?
Is gynecomastia a serious problem?
Though not a serious medical problem, enlarged male breast are often abnormally prominent and may be tough to cope with emotionally for a few. Many teens who suffer with this condition are body shamed and eventually suffer a very low self-esteem in the later course of life.
Does Gynecomastia go away its own?
Most often, the breast swelling resulting from transient hormonal changes during puberty may go away on its own without treatment, usually within 6 months to 2 years of onset. If it persists, surgical correction is the most straightforward solution to correct the swollen breasts. Exercise and dieting are inadequate in addressing abnormally large male breasts.
These enlarged tissues are neither cancerous nor cause any health concerns. Many with man boobs experience pain in their breasts to varying degrees, most often referred to as “PAINFUL GYNECOMASTIA” and are ideal candidates for a surgical procedure.
What causes Gynecomastia?
80 percent times – No cause . Seventy percent of boys get it during puberty. It’s caused by natural changes in estrogen
Other causes 20 percent- multiple causes
- abnormal hormone changes- decline in testosterone production.
- liver disease,
- kidney failure,
- thyroid disease
- certain medicines
What is the best way to treat gynecomastia?
- The chest fat is very resistant to exercise and diet modifications, so not of much use.
- Initially we used to give medicines for gynecomastia, but these medicines act by altering body hormones. and we noticed these medicines had some complications, hence these days we are not treating it with medicines.
- Male breast reduction surgery or Gynecomastia surgery is the best treatment
Gynecomastia surgery in Kerala
Surgery for gynecomastia is keyhole liposuction surgery and gland removal.
It can be done under local anaesthesia in case of small ones. but requires general anaesthesia in case of large ones.
Keyhole scarless vaser liposuction surgery for gynecomastia
- minimal access surgery in most cases using special instruments and modified technique of Liposuction (VASER LIPOSUCTION)
- Excess fat on chest is removed by liposuction. Remaining tough gland tissue is then removed through tiny incision
- The scars are tiny and not easily visible in most cases. This method is better for Indian skin which is prone to have prominent scars
- Drains are not required when keyhole method is used. A custom made compression vest is put on immediately after surgery to reduce swelling and fluid collection..
Hospital Stay
- for small gynecomastia, which is done under local anaesthesia, patient can be discharged same day.
- but for Bigger gynecomastia, we prefer to do the surgery under general anaesthesia, we admit the patient one day before surgery (previous day evening) and discharge next day after surgery. Will be kept in ICU monitoring for 4 hours after surgery. This helps the patient to get absolute control over pain and perfect monitoring for any expected complications. After 4 hours of surgery patient will be shifted to room
Side effects of gynecomastia surgery
- Cosmetic surgery for gynecomastia is usually a safer surgery, when done from a good centre.
- Minor discomfort and soreness can be expected in the initial few days.
- Swelling in the operated area will be greatest in 48-72 hours and then will keep on reducing till 3-4 weeks after the surgery.
- Numbness/ altered sensation on the chest can occur during the healing phase.
Recovery after gynecomastia surgery
- A custom made corset will be put on immediately after surgery and should be continued for 6-12 weeks.
- Minor discomfort and soreness can be expected in the initial 3-4 days.
- Swelling in the operated area will be greatest in 48-72 hours and then will keep on reducing till 3-4 weeks after the surgery.
- Patient will be able to walk from next day of surgery
- Next day onwards u can do your routine day to day works your own without help
- Office work can be started after 3 days
- Driving after 10 days
- Jogging after 2 weeks
- Gym exercise and heavy weight lifting after 2 months
Does gynecomastia re occur?
- The glandular tissue of male breasts does not form again and thus the surgery provides permanent removal of the breast tissue. However, if you put on a lot of weight, fat cells on the chest can enlarge and can cause fullness of the chest again (pseudo Gynecomastia)
Why it is important to wear compression garment after Surgery for gynecomastia?
- In Gynecomastia surgery, we take out fat and gland. It is important for skin to stick to Chest. Adequate pressure from outside ensures that there in dead space between the two layers and skin re drapes well. It also ensures faster recovery as swelling and bruising is also less.

About Dr Prince, Plastic surgeon
Dr. Prince is a board certified plastic surgeon with years of experience providing high-quality care to patients in and around the central Kerala. Currently he is working as a part of Sushrutha institute of plastic surgery, Elite Hospital, Thrissur.

Why choose Dr Prince & sushrutha institute of plastic surgery for gynecomastia surgery?
- sushrutha institute of plastic surgery has a team of 7 highly qualified and experienced plastic surgeons.
- Its the largest plastic surgery department in Kerala.
- we have already done 45000 plus plastic surgeries till now.
- Advanced instrumentation for all plastic surgery procedures.
- A group of highly dedicated nursing staff.
- Dedicated customer relation staff to answer all your queries.
- 24 × 7 plastic surgeon availability
- 24 × 7 ICU Care and round the clock anaesthetist available.
- Being a major plastic surgery centre with all advanced facilities and 24 * 7 service, we can deal with any expected complications then and there.
- The plastic surgery centre and elite hospital are ISO 9000:2008 and NABH certified. we ranked highest in the safety and hygiene measure.
- Separate modern operation theatre, advanced patient’s monitoring system during operation and post-operative care add to the safety of procedure.
- We are updated with the latest technology.
- We recommend the particular option, technology/method of the procedure according to the patient’s need, expectation and desired goal of cosmetic surgery.
Virtual consultation with Dr prince
Dr prince and other members of the team are now available for virtual consultation. so you can get information regarding Treatment for gynecomastia
Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Thrissur, Kerala
Know the Cost of Male Breast Reduction Surgery
The Gynecomastia surgery price vary between Rs 40,000 to Rs 90,000 depending on the grade of the Gynecomastia and the technology employed. To know the cost you can whatsapp chest images (front and side views taken from one metre distance) to our whatsapp number.

Gynecomastia vs fat
Gynecomastia consist of both chest fat and glandular tissue. if it has only chest fat, then its called pseudogynecomastia. but for both conditions gynecomastia surgery may be required, since they are very resistant to exercise and dieting
Gynecomastia treatment pills
Medications used to treat breast cancer and other conditions may be helpful for some men with gynecomastia. They include: Tamoxifen (Soltamox) Aromatase inhibitors, such as anastrozole (Arimidex). But surgery is the preferred treatment modality comparing to the side effects of these medications
Gynecomastia treatment without surgery
Lots of people ask us , Can gynecomastia go away without surgery? Several modalities of non surgical treatment has been explained. but non has been found to be that effective and surgical treatment has been found to be the best.