Breast Lump Fibroadenoma Removal in THRISSUR

A fibroadenoma is a solid breast lump. This breast lump is not cancer. A fibroadenoma happens most often between ages 15 and 35. But it can be found at any age in anyone who has periods. A fibroadenoma often causes no pain. It can feel firm, smooth and rubbery. It has a round shape. It might feel like a pea in the breast. Or it may feel flat like a coin. When touched, it moves easily within the breast tissue. Fibroadenomas are common breast lumps. If you have a fibroadenoma, Dr Prince can help you with its management. You may need a biopsy to check the lump or surgery to remove it. Many fibroadenomas need no further treatment.

Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery over Traditional Surgery

  • No visible scar
  • Uniform breast Shape
  • 30 mins procedure
  • Resume work in 2 days

What is the Cost of Treatment?

Cost of the Treatment depends on the following factors

  • Size of Lump
  • No. of Lumps
  • Technique and equipment used

For best estimation – consultation by the surgeon is required.